Monday, July 25, 2016

My Wonderful Facts About Downy Woodpecker

  1.  Downy Woodpeckers are 16 centimeters.
  2. They have a short beak.
  3. There are 7 similar types of birds to Downy Woodpeckers.
  4. Males have red on their head but females don't have red on there head.
  5. Females lay 4-5 eggs.
  6. Downy Woodpeckers live in most parts in North America.
  7. Males and females have black wings white chest and neck.
  8. Young leave their nest about 20-25 days after hatching.
  9. Downy Woodpeckers are very common Woodpeckers.
They eat insects nuts sap bird seed acorns and ants are a favorite to Downy Woodpeckers.It gets its food by pecking were its at.Downy Woodpeckers weigh 0.95 oz 
(27 grams).Their scientific name is picoides pubescens. The Downy Woodpecker is one of the smartest woodpeckers in N.C.

My Wonderful Facts About Lawrence's Goldfinch

  1.  Lawrence Goldfinch are unlike other Goldfinches.
  2. They have mostly pale gray body.
  3. There are 3 similar types of birds to Lawrence's Goldfinches.
  4. They live in the western parts of North America.
  5. Females and males have different amounts of colors.
  6. Young leave the nest at 13 days after hatching.
  7. Lawrence's Goldfinches nest in trees such as oak,cypress,sycamore and pine.
  8. A female will lay 4-5 eggs.
They weigh 0.4 oz (11.5 grams).They eat bugs bird seed and seeds when the seeds are still on the plant.Their scientific name is Spinus lawrencei.Lawrence goldfinches get their food by pulling it till they can get their food in their beak.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

My Wonderful Facts About Lesser Goldfinches

  1. A female Lesser Goldfinch lays 4-5 eggs.
  2. They live in the western parts of North America.
  3. There are 4 similar types of birds to Lesser Goldfinches.
  4. Females are smaller than American Goldfinches
  5. They are very rare to eastern North America.
  6. They breed in warmer parts of the southwest.
  7. A male Lesser Goldfinch will feed the female when she sits on the eggs.
  8. They nest in trees 5-30 feet above the ground.
Lesser goldfinches weigh 0.33 oz (9.5 grams).Lesser Goldfinches eat bugs bird seed and seeds when the seeds are still in the plant.Lesser Goldfinches get their food by pulling on it with their black beak till the food gets in its beak.Their scientific name is spinus psaltria.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

My Wonderful Facts about Tufted Puffins

  1. For summer Tufted Puffins have a white a orange beak they have a black body,neck and black wings.
  2. A female Tufted puffin will lay 1 white egg.
  3. Young leave their nest about 6-7 weeks after it hatched.
  4. Tufted Puffins predators are gulls.
  5. Young Tufted Puffins that wander could get eaten by gulls.
  6. Adults will bring food for the food to the young.
  7. For Tufted Puffins live in the western part of North America.
  8. For winter Tufted Puffins have a gray face their beak is red or yellow.
  9. They make burrows than build the nest inside the burrow.
Tufted Puffins weigh 1.7 lb (780 grams). Tufted Puffins eat lots of animals in the sea. Their favorite is fish. They can fit up to 200 fish in their bill. They get their food by diving into the water and getting it with their bill. Their scientific name is Fratercula cirrhata.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

My Wonderful Facts About Atlantic Puffins

  1. A female Atlantic Puffin will lay 1 white egg.
  2. Two male Atlantic Puffins will fight to impress a female.
  3. There predators are gulls.
  4. Atlantic Puffins live in parts of North America.
  5. Atlantic Puffins are the smallest standing Puffins.
  6. They stand 8 to 10 inches tall.
  7. Their 7 similar type of birds to Atlantic Puffin
  8. Atlantic Puffins clean their feathers by pulling the feathers through its bill.
  9. An Atlantic Puffin takes off on water.
  10. For summer Atlantic Puffins have a white chest and face black wings,neck,tail and black around the face colorful beak and orange feet.
  11. For winter Atlantic Puffins have a white chest a yellow and gray beak black wings,tail,neck and black around the face and a gray face.
Atlantic Puffins weigh 13 oz (380 grams). Their scientific name is Fratercula arctic. Atlantic Puffins eat lots of fish. Atlantic Puffins get their food by diving into the water and trap it in their bill. Atlantic Puffins can have 120 fish in their bill at the same time. Atlantic Puffins get their name because they live mostly in the Atlantic ocean.

Monday, July 18, 2016

My Favorite Bird: American Goldfinches

Here is a photo of my favorite bird: American Goldfinches

American Goldfinches are my favorite bird because they like to come to my sunflowers.
1.American Goldfinches like to perch on sunflowers and eat the seeds.
2.Young birds leave the nest at 11-17 days
3.American Goldfinches live in most parts of united states.
4. Males are yellow they have black wings a black forehead and tail they have white for summer time.
5.Females are yellow they have black wings and tail for summer time.
6.Males are brown with black wings and tail and a little white for winter time.
7.There are 6 similar birds to american
8.The male American goldfinch brings the food to the female than the female gives it to the babies.
9.They are 13 centimeters.
American Goldfinches weigh 0.46 oz (13 grams). Their scientific name is Spinus tristis. American Goldfinches eat bugs,birdseed,acorns,and sunflower seed. They get their food by picking it up with their beak.