Thursday, July 21, 2016

My Wonderful Facts about Tufted Puffins

  1. For summer Tufted Puffins have a white a orange beak they have a black body,neck and black wings.
  2. A female Tufted puffin will lay 1 white egg.
  3. Young leave their nest about 6-7 weeks after it hatched.
  4. Tufted Puffins predators are gulls.
  5. Young Tufted Puffins that wander could get eaten by gulls.
  6. Adults will bring food for the food to the young.
  7. For Tufted Puffins live in the western part of North America.
  8. For winter Tufted Puffins have a gray face their beak is red or yellow.
  9. They make burrows than build the nest inside the burrow.
Tufted Puffins weigh 1.7 lb (780 grams). Tufted Puffins eat lots of animals in the sea. Their favorite is fish. They can fit up to 200 fish in their bill. They get their food by diving into the water and getting it with their bill. Their scientific name is Fratercula cirrhata.

1 comment:

  1. I love puffins, Ian! I am so glad I checked out your blog! Keep up the good work!-Aunt Lauren
