Monday, December 12, 2016

My Wonderful Facts About Ducks

1.Male Ducks are more pretty than Female Ducks,because with Male Ducks color Males can chase off animals that come to their nest also their color is to help them mate.
2.The Most Commonest duck is the Mallard Duck.
3.Most Ducks will have orange feet others mite have yellow and gray feet.
4.Their are around 20 types of Ducks in North America.
5.All Ducks are in the Waterfowl family.
6.All young Ducks will swim in a line.
7.Female Ducks will  nest in bushes and sometimes up high in trees.
8.Ducks will hiss at you if you get to close to them.
9.Not all Ducks quack.
10.Sometimes it can be hard to tell if it is a Female Duck or a Male Duck.

Ducks eat plants and animals in the water.They get their food by diving into the water.When ducks dive only their feet show.When they dive they open up their bill and get their p,ants and animals from the water.If you ever see a duck diving into water it is fun to watch!

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