Sunday, May 27, 2018

Crazy Wren Nesting Spots

Image result for carolina wren nest    

Did you know that Carolina Wrens have really crazy nesting spots? They nest in buckets, in boxes, on a garage shelves and many more crazy spots. I want to tell you about how I had Carolina Wrens nesting on my garage shelf. Early in the morning when my dad was going to get something off the garage shelf,he spotted a bird nest on the garage shelf. He called my time name so I ran down the stairs. I told him that the nest was a Carolina Wren nest. The nest was about 5 in long (12.7 cm) and 3 in wide (7.62 cm). There were 3 eggs and a Male Wren and Female Wren. At breakfast I told my parents that its pretty common for Carolina Wrens to nest on garage shelves. At first they didn't believe me so I proved it by looking it up on my ipod. 2 weeks later the eggs started to hatch and I was full of joy. For the next couple weeks I checked on them writing down behavior and diet. Then when the Wrens started to fly and they were off to the real world. So That is my story of how the wrens nested in my garage.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really amazing story Ian! Do you have any more photos of the birds when they hatched? What were the behaviors you recorded?
