Sunday, May 27, 2018

Crazy Wren Nesting Spots

Image result for carolina wren nest    

Did you know that Carolina Wrens have really crazy nesting spots? They nest in buckets, in boxes, on a garage shelves and many more crazy spots. I want to tell you about how I had Carolina Wrens nesting on my garage shelf. Early in the morning when my dad was going to get something off the garage shelf,he spotted a bird nest on the garage shelf. He called my time name so I ran down the stairs. I told him that the nest was a Carolina Wren nest. The nest was about 5 in long (12.7 cm) and 3 in wide (7.62 cm). There were 3 eggs and a Male Wren and Female Wren. At breakfast I told my parents that its pretty common for Carolina Wrens to nest on garage shelves. At first they didn't believe me so I proved it by looking it up on my ipod. 2 weeks later the eggs started to hatch and I was full of joy. For the next couple weeks I checked on them writing down behavior and diet. Then when the Wrens started to fly and they were off to the real world. So That is my story of how the wrens nested in my garage.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

My Wonderful Facts about Baltimore Orioles

1.Baltimore Orioles live in the eastern and southern part of United States.
2.Males have a orange breast and tail,with black wings with white stripes they have a black head with gray feet and a gray beak.
3.Females have a orange breast and tail and head.Females have gray on their heads.They have light black wings with white stripes.
4.Baltimore Orioles wintering grounds are South America,FloridaCentral,America.
5.Females Lay 4-5 Eggs.
6.The young Leave the nest 12-14 days after hatching.

Baltimore Orioles Weigh 1.2 oz (33 g). They eat Insects,Berries,Nectar,Fruit.It is fun to watch Baltimore Orioles hop around.Their Wingspan is 23-30 .cm.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fun Bird Facts

1.Years ago someone stretched out a finger and in mud on a wall of a cave their was a picture of a outline:the round head,plump body,ear tufts,and face of a owl.
2.Once their was 600,000 Sandhill Cranes flying up in the sky together it was a great sighting to see.
3.Once their was a flock of 40,000 falcon flying together that to was a great sight to see.
4.Their are more than 30 species of birds of Paradise.
5.In 1459 4 people on horses were amazed when they saw many birds in a lake flying around.
6.In autumn is the best time to go to hawk mountain to see some hawks.
7.A Turkey Vulture gets its name because Vulture means pluck ear and Turkey is because a wild Turkey has a bare head and that is way it is called Turkey Vulture.
8.Birds have 3 body parts that humans have,it is the Spine,the Ribs,and head.
9.Their are many bird legends their are about 67 I think.
10.Snowy Owls are a great Bird to paint if you want to find a Bird to paint.
11.Most people used  Birds to sell them and make money.

Monday, December 12, 2016

My Wonderful Facts About Ducks

1.Male Ducks are more pretty than Female Ducks,because with Male Ducks color Males can chase off animals that come to their nest also their color is to help them mate.
2.The Most Commonest duck is the Mallard Duck.
3.Most Ducks will have orange feet others mite have yellow and gray feet.
4.Their are around 20 types of Ducks in North America.
5.All Ducks are in the Waterfowl family.
6.All young Ducks will swim in a line.
7.Female Ducks will  nest in bushes and sometimes up high in trees.
8.Ducks will hiss at you if you get to close to them.
9.Not all Ducks quack.
10.Sometimes it can be hard to tell if it is a Female Duck or a Male Duck.

Ducks eat plants and animals in the water.They get their food by diving into the water.When ducks dive only their feet show.When they dive they open up their bill and get their p,ants and animals from the water.If you ever see a duck diving into water it is fun to watch!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

My Wonderful Facts About Gila Woodpeckers

1.Gila Woodpeckers live in the western part of the united states.
2.Males have a striped back a tan chest and head with a little red on the head.They have gray legs and a beak.
2.Females have a tan head and chest.A striped back and a gray beak and legs.
3.Gila Woodpeckers are not good travelers.
4.They have a really strong neck.
5.There are 6 similar types of birds to Gila Woodpecker.
6.Females lay 3-4 eggs.
7.Young Gila Woodpeckers hatch 14 days after laid.
8.Juveniles are very similar to females but Juveniles are more smaller than females and Juveniles have a darker tan.
9.They are not good travelers because their wings are not suppose to fly for a very long time.

Gila Woodpeckers weigh 2.3 oz (66 grams).Their scientific name is Melanerpes Uropygialis. Gila get their Woodpeckers eat bugs,Ants,plants,and bird seed.They get their food by scooping it up into its bill.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

My Wonderful Facts About Lewis's Woodpeckers

1.Lewis's Woodpeckers live in the western part of the us.
2.Females lay 6-7 eggs sometimes.
3.young leave 4-5 weeks after hatching.
4.Adults have a green back and head they have a white chest and neck a gray bill a little red on head.they have black legs.
5.They can peck a lot of holes in a tree.
6.There are 7 similar types of birds to Lewis's Woodpeckers.
7.They are not good travelers when it comes to winter.
8.Males will have a lighter bill than a female.
9.Lewis's Woodpeckers are the only woodpecker with a green back.
10.Juveniles have a green back and tail they have a brown head a gray beak a little white on chest.
11.There is about 1,000,000 in the world.

Lewis's Woodpeckers weigh 4 oz (115 grams).Their scientific name is Melanerpes Lewis.They eat worms,bugs,and ants.They get their food by pecking or scooping it off the ground.

Monday, August 22, 2016

My Wonderful Facts About Pileated Woodpeckers

  1. Pileated Woodpeckers are 40-49 centimeters.
  2. Females lay 3-5 eggs.
  3. Young leave nest at 26-28 days after hatching.
  4. Pileated Woodpeckers live in the eastern parts of North America.
  5. Pileated Woodpeckers like to eat ants.
  6. Female and Male keep there young safe in a tree.
  7. It is a size of a crow.
  8. It has a red crest a white face its black on its wings,tail and chest.
  9. There is 1 similar type of bird to Pileated Woodpeckers.

Pileated Woodpeckers live for 13 years.They eat insects,nuts,sap ants are a favorite food for them.It gets its food by pecking were it is.They weigh 10 oz (290 grams).Their scientific name is Dryocopus Pileatus.